Winterlight Siberians

About imageAbout imageAbout image
  A small cattery for the beautul forest cat of russia the Siberian a medium length  triple coated hypoallergenic cat of a very loving doglike personality.I have imported my cats from top European breeders.  ALL cats and kittens are health checked , kittens are vaccinated at least once and wormed before leaving for new home.  I am a pet care professional for many years owning and working in pet grooming and supply shops. I have been grooming and breeding,showing dogs and cats for over 35 years. For your consideration here are my cats and available kittens.The price is $1500 to $1800 depending on color or rare colors like golden.  A non refundable deposit is required  of $500  to hold until pick up.This includes worming 1 vaccination at 10 weeks and box training.KITTENS from Kalani & Berlioz “Bear” are coming by april 5,   Tsarevna & Berlioz kittens due April 12 2025 ODESSA & Tom kittens will arrive in  summer. Reserve on the waitlist  deposit of $ 250 full deposit is $500 the rest pay after birth to hold a kitten. Final payment at pickup of your kitten.CALL OR TEXT. 740-646-1813   EASTER KITTENS COMING!! Kalani is really getting big and so is Tsarevna. 

CH.Tom Siberian Sapphire

head cat

From a top Siberian cattery in Ukraine a blue solid

Vistula Berlioz

second head honcho

From an outstanding Siberian cattery in Poland , a blue golden

Sar Sibi Tsarevna

Head mama

From Russia brown spotted tabby

Winterlight Kalani

Head daughter

Beautiful Excellent type Very friendly out of Sar Sibi Tsarevna and Tom Siberian Sapphire a black k silver spotted tabby

Winterlight Odessa

second head daughter

A golden out of Sar Sibi Tsarevna and Vistula Berlioz

  • South Point, OH, USA

email, text or phone for available kittens

Kittens love  high places, cat trees, sofa beds, cat toys ,and cat nip. They like clean fresh water large bowls of food ,bedding and litter.Kittens want to be part of your family,to be involved in your  daily life and of course to be treated like the king or queen they think they are. Here are a few tips to help you and your new kitten, and links and resources for health ,longevity .              
Bring a Sherpa bag or small crate with you when you pick up kitten. Kittens startle easily so it is important to be calm and quiet especially when you first see your kitten, The kitten will take time to adjust to a new environment Sometimes it takes days to weeks again patience is the key. Let the kitten adjust at his or her own pace , sometimes they dont eat much , be patient while he or she acclimates, Sometimes a wire crate is a good safe place for kitten to adjust ,keep food water, bed,litter box in it. Allow time and opportunity for them to adjust to you and their new hoOME.

   Kittens chew and chase everything . It is important to not let them not have acess to electric cords, wire,plastic,plants ,rubber bands pieces of stuffing from toys anything they might chew or eat .This could cause a stomach blockage and be life threatening not to mention a large Vet bill.  
  It is not  a good idea to let the kitten or cat outside they can look out and be happy and safe inside without being exposed to the dangers of cars, birds of prey such as hawks and snakes,also other cats feral or neighbors which can expose them to serious diseases and cat fights, A catio or large wired enclosure is the best option for outdoors.
 Kittens get into everything. They can climb into open washers and dryers refrigerators ,reclining chairs anything you can think of. When you cannot supervise put in the crate or safe room. 

 Vaccinating your kitten 
  Please make informed decisions .read and keep up with current research , Overvaccinting ,and the use of the wrong vaccine can affect the quality and length of your kittens life. Once the 2 kitten vaccines it is a 3 way vaccine ,are given the last being done after 4 months and not more than 3 total a month apart ; your kitten is usually fully immunized for life against Panleukopenia  a life threatening cat distemper , the 2 rhino viruses do not give full immunity but will help give  good protection against severe illness. The feline leukemia vaccine is not neede as the parents are all tested and never go outside among feral cats . Rabies is up to you but as the cat should never go outside you can make your own informed decision . If you have to give it only use the non -adjuvanted Merial brand. Yearly vaccinating is useless except to vet cash flow  and can actually cause more ill health and lack of longevity. These  2 studies provide  a good start towards informative research: THE CORNELL STUDY ON FELINE VACCINES, and  VACCINES for CATS.

Kittens love balls , pipe cleaners bouncing toys ,soft beds etc . They expect to be a big part of your family and daily life.


Breed standard for Siberian cats
Fifes EMS color codes
Vaccines for cats
WCF World Cat Association
 World Pedegree Database for Siberian Cats
Application to buy cat or kitten please fill and send